Since 1985, in Trinidad and Tobago, August 1st has been observed as Emancipation Day: a public holiday to celebrate the abolishment of slavery
Mosaic Monday #141: Short and Sweet
August in T&T, begins with celebration of freedom; freedom from the chains of chattel awareness, freedom to claim the dignity and status of all mankind - human.
With drum songs and dancing feet, flambeau and Canboulay flames lighting the paths of future days.
A public festival of pre Covid19 eras halts today to the tune of Lockdown season and curfew hours. The feasting and festivity is tamed to family stay home numbers.
a bee gathers
breakfast from the ixora
yellow as sunshine
Days progress to weeks of August. Heads cool to swell with pride of nationhood; as Trinidad and Tobago ends August on the note of Happy Independence.
night sky
booms with of colours
I hope you have a good holiday and can celebrate some this week. Take care my friend!
ReplyDeleteWe are still in Lockdown. So no crowding. The accustomed public festivities are on hold.
ReplyDeleteEnjoying radio music.
Thanks for droppibg by Diane
...enjoy this special day!
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Tom
Happy Emancipation Day!
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Carol
Rather Lockdown than hospitalizations. Delta deaths are too numerous, as the plague continues. In some form Covid is here to stay, but like pit vipers, one can learn to live safely regardless. Be safe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Glen
Happy belated Emancipation Day! I enjoy the vivid imagery you use to evoke the experience of celebration. Stay healthy and safe!
ReplyDeleteThank you Frank
Hqppy Independence Day Gillena. Love your little history lesson in your great Haibun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Dwight
How wonderful to hear about August and your Independence festivals and festivities. I could picture the bright color and activity.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Dwight
Oh, you're still in lockdown! Sounds like a smart move to me. Precautions instead of arguments I say. I like how you worked it into your haibun Stay safe Gillena.
Thanks for your appreciation Pat
Happy Independence! I hope the lockdown ends safely and soon. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Angie. Independence is 31st August
I know there's been a spike in Martinique and Guadeloupe. Keep up with those social distancing rules! Celebration is important though, and celebrating a liberation perhaps most of all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Jane
Interesting to read about your celebrations belong to freedom, Gillena.
ReplyDeleteDo you know, that we have here in Augsburg a similiar? Called Friedensfest.
Have a wonderful week
Happy you dropped by Heidrun
Happy Belated Independence Day, Gillena! I hope you and your family and friends stay safe from COVID--the new variant seems so contagious!
ReplyDeleteEmancipation Day is August 1st🇹🇹
ReplyDeleteIndependence Day is August 31st🇹🇹
Thanks for dropping by Pat