Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday WRites 299

Caterpillars In My Plumerias
Yesterday, was held, A National Day of Prayer. We are still in our 3rd lockdown, and in A State of Emergency here in Trinidad and Tobago.
And, there are caterpillars in my plumerias. I did googling on Caterpillars and found some  interesting info:
The life cycle of Caterpillar symbolizes times when you're dealing with potential and transformation. Caterpillars are associated with good luck and new birth. The caterpillar represents new birth and new foundation and is a symbol of good luck in the early phase of new actions. Caterpillars usually signify a need for gentle and quiet approaches to our activities and endeavors. The caterpillar spirit animal teaches you the importance of patience. You need to wait .When this spirit guide finds its way into your life, you achieve steady progress in everything you do. Yes, you may be a bit slow, but your progress is steady and admirable.
You've heard about the Monday Blues well this is Monday WRites (musing on the definition here of rite, as any customary observance for eg the rite of afternoon tea). 

Welcome to Monday WRites #299: A Happy Monday to all. Be Safe.

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#132: This And That


Haibun Monday 5-24-21: 
Flower moon

Decked in our 'glad to be out of the house wear'. We sit around tables in the church yard. The plates and cups are made of plastic, so are the forks and spoons. But the table cloths are of the kind, if you spill anything on it, i will have have to be put in the washer, to be laundered and then it must be ironed.

Most of us know one another. A few have brought in a sister or brother, neighbour or a friend. It's a bright night and we sit in an uncovered space, the car park. The old church at that time is still with us, and we pray fervently for our new refurbished church at every opportunity we come together.

How come there is that large lamp over there? The Park and the police station are that way.

churchyard gathering -
super moon officiates
at our supper
We Gather © gillena cox 2021
[haibun written in the classical present tense about an event which happened long ago]
