This morning, the onions made me cry. They were large brown skin covered onions. The kind you find readily at any supermarket or vegetable seller. Sometimes i buy the large white ones and sometimes the red ones.
The smell of sauteed onions with tomatoes is to me divine. Just the right piece of heaven sent.
It's a clear morning, bright, blue sky. Chopping along my merry way, thinking of nothing but breakfast, including coffee of course. Half way through i could only hear the soft crunch of the chopper wading through them.
I have aprons but i never wear them. I choose instead to wipe my tears away on the sleeve of my tee shirt. And continue chopping away. No, I do not weep at the world – I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife. Some of the onions went into a tuna sandwich.
© gillena cox 2021
Mosaic Monday: #139: The Garden Explosion
prompted to use the lines No, I do not weep at the world – I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife in a prose using not more than 144 words