[Clip art from yahoo dot com]
Before our skins touched the breath of our pores
Before our mouths echoed a creation of commands
There you were in cloud of dreamscape
There you were your face in my minds eye
Asleep i slumbered snugly in your ethereal arms
Asleep i smelled your fragrant sweet eternal being
You became the cliche, the end to my sentences
You became the dew for fresh new mornings
We etched the sunset into our empty recognition
We etched the horizon out for changed landscape
How then can i let you go, for what more
How then can i say goodbye, when my love stays
SOUL MATES © gillena cox 2016
Written for
Prompt Nights – Intuition’s as though we’re seeing with our soul [25]

[Clip art from yahoo dot com]
We joined the queue
It was quite a long queue
I was adamant. Yes I replied
Let's join the queue
We were going to meet the gypsy
So we joined the queue
Brixton market, there we were
Balmy weather, us in the queue
We moved up a bit, a slow crawl
Seemed never ending, this queue
There she was reading a palm
After a long wait in the queue
We could see her now
From our place in the queue
Aw let's go, I change my mind. So
after all this time we left the queue
CHICKENED OUT © gillena cox 2016
Written for Lets take a look at the cards, shall we? – [24]