When one of those little greetings 'Have a nice day' gets to its target, hope is spread, received accepted realized. Someone's life is made better, someone's day is given brightness. Hope is an energy serum, a feel good drug, a must share potion.
Doesn't help to keep it. It must be shared, it must spread like a wildfire. It must burn into our futures. Not a backward moving mobile, hope shapes tomorrow with first thoughts of goodness. Maya Angelou in her reflection on Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, at the Lincoln Memorial, wrote "The Rock cries out to us today, You may stand upon me, But do not hide your face"
Humankind thrives on its forecast. Hope is very ordinary, not at all presumptuous and thrives on the grandeur of simplicity.' Good Morning' - purposeful, simple, beneficial. There is hope at work. Its a starter, the wheels of well being is set in motion. That's hope at its best.
HOPE IN TODAY © gillena cox 2020
We are still in January, the year is still young, still new. And we in T&T are in The Season of Carnival. The United States celebrates the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr today.

You've heard about the Monday Blues ❧✿❧ well this is Monday WRites (musing on the definition here of rite, as any customary observance or practice eg the rite of afternoon tea). A Happy Monday to all
Welcome to Monday WRites #229, ❧✿❧ Happy New Year 2020

Mosaic Monday
#63: Don't go with the glaciers

Prosery 1/20/20: “The Rock cries out…”
Roaring in the new
Frank Tassone is the bartender today dVerse and we write Prosery. He challenges ... write a piece of prose in 144 words or less That has to contain this quote: “The Rock cries out to us today, You may stand upon me, But do not hide your face.” from Maya Angelou’s poem “On the Pulse of Morning”.
20 January 2018
20 January 2016