Monday, March 3, 2025


Jouvert Monday Madness 
Carnival Monday and Tuesday comes just before Ash Wednesday, so it is usually a February or March event. The Carnival season ends with two days of masquerade through the streets. 

The two day  parade starts at dawn with the wierdest of costumes; paints and mud, yes, mud on the bodies of revelers. This early Monday morning opening is called Jouvert (pronunced joo-vay) 

This year 2025, we can chalk it to March madness. The rest of the parades that is Monday afternoon and Tuesday is about intricate designs and artistry through the streets.  Beads, feathers, sequins, and colour play a dynamic drama in the streets.

 coconut vendors
ply their trade even early
in the dawn hours
© gillena cox 2025

[Here i am in the melee]

(Photos gillenacox2025 except the pic of me drinkibg coconut water)