See now, i gift you little trinkets, tiny gems,
Different colours, shapes,
I string them together like pierced beads,
These syllables, words, phrases, sentences,
A garland to adorn, a favoured friend.
And call this gift precious, expression.
And present you with this poem, enduring.
GIFT © gillena cox 2019

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Gift(s) - May 8th prompt
8th May 2018
8th May 2017
8th May 2016
You have beaded a beautiful Garland with appropriate syllables, words, phrases, abd sentences,my friend. Lovely...
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Panchali
It is indeed precious dear friend. So shiny and beautiful. Thank you for the gift of this poem.
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Sumana
A lovely gift.I'm images and in words.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Susan
Whether it is a letter, poem or email in fact showing that you are there and care is so important and reassuring.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Robin
Thank you, thank you for this thoughtful gift. What a beautiful poem, Gillena! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Khaya
Thank you for the beautiful gift and so nicely wrapped too:)
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Rall
Thank you for stringing your poems together, Gillena!
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Kim
Thank you for your lovely gift, Gillena!
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Sara
Thank you for such a wonderful gift. Gillena!!❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteHappy you dropped by Sanaa
You've written such a very lovely, friendly poem on an unusual subject of a gift, I like it very much. You've given me the idea that it would be so nice to include an appropriate poem with a birthday gift.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Sheila
I think you are a beautiful poet and love reading what you write.
ReplyDeleteHappy you droppeed by Nicole
What a lovely poem, and just in time for Mother's Day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Marti
Poems are the best gifts ever. Thanks for this one!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation Maggie