Friday, November 11, 2016


Gaia sings her lullaby, for every crevasse, in every star. There's a lull, by which her progeny earth, will rest, will dream, will seep into the tunnel of darkness, emerging out, at the the sparked end, having traversed through the caves and caverns beneath, like a veiled bride, unknowing, until, the sunlight, kisses her cheek; one, then the other, and blushing, with passion awakened, the warmth of sun, like a splendid God, challenges her being to, the sensation of rhythm, so she sways and swoons, swaggers, and moves her hips to a new found prize called the dance. First her hips, then her feet, jewelled and coloured. Slowly, her pets tom-toms, too, are awaken, in a perilous spate of surprise to the view of their mistress's concert entranced, sounding a pace to her hips, those hips, mesmerizing, the bridegroom, Sun. Their passion rising, her feet, moves faster, shifting layers, shifting levels, till all that's left are the shambles, the sirens, the sobs. Muffled sounds; for now Mayhem and Despair too, are awakening. Chaos yawns. it's still to early.
dead men's bones -
the rattling of windows
in earth tremors

MAKING MYTHS [2] TREMOR © gillena cox 2016

Making Myths[1]

Blog hopping today at
Imaginary Garden With Real Toads
Fireblossom Friday: I Feel The Earth Move


[my video choice today]


  1. I can hear the beat and feel the pulse rising as she dances. Love her pets watching.

    1. Thank you for your appreciation Sherry

      Much love...

  2. Replies
    1. happy you dropped in to read mine Fireblossom

      much love...

  3. Vicious honeymoon every morning. Do the pets always awaken and watch or are they weather or season related?

    1. Ah Jim, i wont say, tell me what you think

      much love...

  4. mayhem and despair are wakened... ~

  5. It is out of chaos beauty emerges. I love the feel of your words. Somewhere the memory muscle of dance remains. It is in the dark hope finds the match to light a candle.

  6. Thanks for your appreciation Susie

    Much love...
