She posted pictures of herself, the children grown, and the grandchildren. Smiles, hugs, fights, puppies and school activities. We all welcomed these pleasantries and looked forward for more.
But that year when she posted the reddening leaves of her maple. I felt a little jealous. You see, the old mango tree across the street from my house, was never going to perform such a feat of glory; still its green leaves cling. And in my backyard the yellow leaves fallen after the rains of the night before, from the plumeria was of no consequence to an autumnal seasonal change.
clear morning sky -
a dampness on the paved walk
smell of petrichor
© gillena cox 2022
[To Mark Let the poetic sound of moons and stars invade your night thoughts to give you sweet dreams always for in your dreams lies the happiness you truly want. hope you enjoy the book Michelle ]
Shall i describe my moon to you,
Unlike that dame living in a shoe?
It's good to be under the open stars,
I' m surely nowhere near mars.
But is not your moon my moon?
Ah! to see you close i swoon.
For i read from pages of love,
And yearn for your tender love.
Just the way it used to be, sweet.
Goodnight my love until we meet.
GOODNIGHT MY SWEET © gillena cox 2022
December will bring.
An extra early January
With a loop in between.
No one wants this.
Not Santa. Not the elves.
No ho ho ho;
No Christmas trees.
No gifts; no carols.
No parang in T&T
No sorrel; no black cake.
No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day
No! No one wants this.
NO DECEMBER!!! © gillena cox 2022
Morning prayer,
A withered indigo sky
Backdrops my breath.
To spruce up my vision,
I exclaim "a deer?"
Mists shadow imagination.
Disowning fetish
Of juniper berries,
Ixoras acclaimed
Near the wall.
Bright yellow, even before
Midmorning sunshine.
IXORAS NEAR THE WALL © gillena cox 2022
Turning the corner,
Into the dusty lift of
Pigeons winging up,
Pink feet tucked under,
Loud flapping sounds,
What a nusiance
To people with bare faces!
Now that masks
Are casual wear.
Do they care?
Those pigeons do
As they may.
They are pigeons.
QUADRILLE - WINGED © gillena cox 2022