Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday WRites 116

After checks and scans from security,
Welcoming doors test reading savvy,
Here; In is in and Out is out,
Of this there is no doubt

Climbing stairs not your delight?
Elevators will surly suffice,
Oh! but the coffee shop,
Skip in first and then go up

So many authors, affix a name
To hopes and dreams now ours to claim,
Lining shelf after shelf,
Passions and foibles give of itself,
So all the world could dream dreams,
Visiting faraway places in this scheme

And outside, an assemble of pannists,
There to give of their grandest,
A free concert will draw many,
Hips to sway on any given day.
WHERE WORDS TRANSPORT © gillena cox 2017

edited to note: the building i wrote about is The National Library down town Port of Spain


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The new moon is out, and wishing you kindness in its light ❧✿❧ You've heard about the Monday Blues ❧✿❧ well this is Monday WRites (musing on the definition here of rite, as any customary observance or practice eg the rite of afternoon tea).
Welcome to Monday WRites #116, ❧✿❧ What's your mood like today ❧✿❧ I invite you to link in with one of your WRites ❧✿❧


Blog hopping with

Monday Mosaic #50

Weekend Mini Challenge: Buildings
Kim who likes the way in which Philip Larkin’s poem The Building conveys the physical appearance and atmosphere of a hospital without once using the term ‘hospital’, through the use of certain words and connotations; has challenged us to write a new similar poem

[Steelband assembled outside on the NALIS (NationalLibrary) compound Port of Spain July 2017]