of poems are the invisible side of being,
thoughts, feelings, emotions
those colours hidden under the skin
those words whispered at dawn
when silence blankets earth and sky
of poems are the invisible side of being,
how seethed in anger blood boils
heart flutters in young love
and passions sway with the fickleness
of being human
of poems are the invisible side of being,
hot and cold
and lukewarm givings
sinewy and bones, frames of living
truth, dare, adventure and understanding
of poems are the invisible side of being,
where sky meet sea at ocean's gathering
where no one can hide
unless we wraps our word-selves up in a bundle
to be where no one else in the world knows
OF POEMS © gillena cox 2018
of poems
Sumana challenges "Okay, poem a poem about poem this week
My last line is a distortion of the last line from Rabindranath Tagore - Clouds and Waves "And no one in the world will know where we both are"
unseen things
8 August 2016
...invisible hands 2017
...invisible spider friends 2015