My mother says if you say "rabbit rabbit" on the first of any month
something unexpected happens, much like the tooth and the tooth fairy
that sort of thing.
Where is the entrance to Alice's dream? is there an end to this
rabbit's appearances, does he ever sleep? does he ever dream. does
he follow us around
Or are dreams made of following stuff, some edible some for mere
foolish entertainment like wearing crowns and ordering folks around
sizing up and sizing down.
At any tea party where white gloves are worn, there will be spills
for dainty though these ladies be, a March hare is cause for a stir
or maybe even a stare
All puns intended, for i write it as i know it; the deck of cards
turn carrot, or is it tarot, who knows may be it is and maybe so
all elbows off the table please!!!
© gillena cox
Written for
Poems In April DAY FOURTEEN The Tuesday Platform - unprompted free-range day of the week