Monday, September 23, 2024


[image courtesy dVerse poetry pub]
What do i know of equinoxes. I live in a clime where seasons are Dry (January to May)
 then Wet (June to December) But strange overlaps occur. Days thunders into Dry, and drought-like
days seep into Wet. But we, here in Trinidad and Tobago, are not the only ones marking these topsy turvy days.

I suppose equinoxes will remain stable, even though the scientist and climate observers question, will there be clear delineated seasons in the future?

Meanwhile i sit in my backyard at dawn; once there is no rain, and watch the stars, (before day saunters in) some twinkle, some don't.
The bold-facedness of a cat!  stalking through my back yard and slinking through the gate.I have no pets..

twenty-one stars counted -
the way Vivaldi knew it
seasons are destined