Friday, May 3, 2024


[image created for me by Bing AI]

 On The Windowsill

All the banging so much noise,

What are we building of toil?

Is butter softer than the heart of love?

Can sugar sweeten already made honey?

When bees toil,

Is the buzz noisy?

A box of dreams sits on the windowsill

All this noise the banging never stops,

The blood of innocents cling to greed;

The soil and sea cry out do you hear,

Through all the banging?

Useless or wasteful still noise;

Drowning out real beauty real joy,

Loudest is the stressed-out heart,

The fake meanderings of toil.

A box of dreams sits on the windowsill

It is that time of beginnings,

The whistles and songs of birds

Sound out of transitioning,

A sky inky will streak of silver,

Then turn to pale azure,

Gilt with sunlight.

A box of dreams sits on the windowsill

 On The Windowsill - A Bop poem © gillena cox 2024

How to Write The Bop
and including this same 1 line repeat after each stanza:
‘I found a box and put a room inside’
OR ‘I found a box…[adding your own words to complete the line]